Journals & Book chapters
- Other
- Berwick, R.C. & Chomsky, N. The siege of Paris. Inference.
- Berwick, R.C., Fong, S., Yankama, B., Sprouse, J. Colorless green ideas do sleep furiously. The Linguistic Review.
- Sennhauser, L. & Berwick, R. 2018. EMNLP
- Rohil Verma,
- Yang
- Frederici, Moro, Berwick, Berwick, Chomsky, Bolhuis. Language and its neural architecture.
- Chomsky, Berwick. Why only us. Recent questions and answers. Journal of Neurolinguistics
- Cambridge companion to Chomsky.
- Berwick, R.C. Monkey business. 2016. Theoretical Linguistics. 42, 91–95.
- Hauser, Berwick, Watamull, Chomsky. 2016 Dogs process associations. Science, 353: 13 September.
- Berwick, De Graff. Explorations in Creole phylogenetics. In P. Longobordi, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Beckers, Berwick. Okanoya, Bolhuis 2016. What do animals learn in artificial grammar studies? Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
- Everaert, M.
- Bolhuis, J., Tattersall, I., Chomsky, N., Berwick, R.C. 2014. How could language have evolved? PLoS Biology, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001934.
- Beckers, G., Berwick, R.C., and Bolhuis, J.J. , in press. Comparative analysis of speech and language converges on birds. Brain and Behavioral Sciences.
- Hauser, M., Yang, C., Berwick, R.C., Tattersall, I., Ryan, M., Watamull, J., Chomsky, N, Lewontin, R.C., 2014. The mystery of language evolution. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 401.
- Miyagawa, S., Berwick, R.C., and Okanoya, K., 2014. The integration hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Watamull, J., Hauser, M., Berwick, R.C. 2014. Conceptual and methodological problems with comparative work on artificial language learning. Biolinguistics, 8, 120-129.
- Berwick, R.C. The multiple bases for linguistic structures. In Language Down the Garden Path: The Cognitive and Biological Basis for Linguistic Structures. M. Sanz, I. Laka, M. Tannenhaus (eds.) Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 195-204.
- Berwick, R.C., Chomsky, N., Piatelli-Palmarini, M. 2013. Poverty of the stimulus stands. Rich Languages from Poor Inputs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 19-42.
- Berwick, R.C., Friederici, A., Chomsky, N., and Bolhuis, J.J. Evolution, brain, and the nature of language. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 17:2, 89–98.
- Berwick, R., Hauser, M., and Tattersall, I. Neandertal language? Just-so stories take center stage. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 671.
- Fong, S., Berwick, R.C., Malioutov, I. Treebank parsing and knowledge of language. In A. Alishahi, T. Poibeau, A. Korhonen and A. Villavicencio (eds), Cognitive and Computational Models of Language Acquisition. New York:Springer-Verlag.
- Li, W., Azar, P., Larochelle, D., Hill, P., Cox, J., Berwick, R.C., Lo, A. Using algorithmic attribution techniques to determine authorship in unsigned judicial opinions. Stanford Technology Law Review, 16:3, 503-534.
- Miyagawa, S., Berwick, R.C., and Okanoya, K. The emergence of hierarchical structure in human language. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:1-6, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00071.
- Beckers, G., Bolhuis, J., Berwick, R.C. Birdsong neurolinguistics. NeuroReport, 23, 139-146.
- Berwick, R.C., 2012. Me Tarzan, you Jane. Science, 336, 158.
- Berwick, R.C., Bolhuis, Okanoya, K. and Beckers, G. A bird’s eye view of language evolution. Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 4:5. 1–39
- Berwick, R.C. Songs to syntax. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive and Natural Intelligence, 5(4), 22–32.
- Berwick, R.C., Pietroski, P., Yankama, B., Chomsky, N. 2011. Poverty of the stimulus revisited. Cognitive Science 35(7), 1207-1242.
- Berwick, R.C. All you need is merge. The Biolinguistic Enterprise, DiSciullo, A., Boeck, C. (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 461-491.
- Berwick, R.C. Syntax facit saltum redux. The Biolinguistic Enterprise, DiSciullo, A., Boeck, C. (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 65-99.
- Berwick, R.C., Chomsky, N. The biolinguistic program: the current state of its development. The Biolinguistic Enterprise, DiSciullo, A., Boeck, C. (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 19-41.
- Berwick, R.C., Okanoya, K., Beckers, G., Bolhuis, J. Songs to syntax: the linguistics of birdsong. Trends in the Cognitive Sciences, 15:3, 113-121.
- El-Bendary, N., Hassanien, A., Corchado, E., Berwick, R. C. ARIAS: Automated retinal image analysis system. Advances in Soft Computing, New York: Springer, 67-76
- Yingxu Wang, Robert C. Berwick, Simon Haykin, Witold Pedrycz, Witold Kinsner, George Baciu, Du Zhang, Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar: Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing in Year 10 and Beyond. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence 5(4): 1-21.
- DiSciullo, A., Piatelli-Palmarini,, M., Wexler, K., Berwick, R.C., Boeckx, C., Jenkins, L., Uriagereka, J., Stromswold,, K., Cheng, L., Harley, H., Wedel, A., McGilvray, J., Gelderen, E., Bever, T. The biological nature of human language. Biolinguistics, 4(1), 4-34.
- Berwick, R.C. What genes can’t learn about language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA), 106:4, 332-334.
- Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C. The proper treatment of language acquisition and change in a population setting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, (USA) 106:25, 10124–10129.
- Niyogi, S., Berwick R.C. A minimalist implementation of Hale-Keyser incorporation theory. UG and External Systems, A. DiSciullo (ed.), NY: John Benjamins, 269-288.
- Craparo, E., Berwick, R.C., E. Feron, E. Natural language interfaces in control of unmanned aerial vehicles*. Theory and Algorithms for Cooperative Systems, World Scientific, 196-204.(*Only this bi-authored version available due to copyright.)
- Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C., 2000. Formal models for learning in the principle and parameters framework. In Peter Broeder and J. Murre (eds), Models of Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press, 225–243.
- Niyogi, P.and Berwick, R., 1998. The logical problem of language acquisition. Formal Syntax, 1(2), 192–205.
- Niyogi, P. and Berwick, R., 1998. A dynamical systems model for language change. Journal of Complex Systems, 11, 161–204.
- Kohl, K., Jones, D., Berwick, R. C., Nomura, N. 1998. Representing verb alternations in WordNet. In Fellbaum, Christiane. (ed.), WordNet: An electronic lexical database. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 153-178.
- Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C. 1997. Evolutionary consequences of language learning. Journal of Linguistics and Philosophy.
- Berwick, R.C., 1997. Syntax facit saltum. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 10:2/3, 231–249.
- Berwick, R.C., Niyogi, P. 1996. A learning model for finite parameter spaces. Cognition, 61, 161-193.
- Berwick, R.C., 1996. The language of the genes. Integrative Approaches to Molecular Biology. J. Collado (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C., 1996. Learning from triggers. Linguistic Inquiry, 27(4), 605-622.
- Berwick, R.C., Fong, S. 1995. A quarter-century of computation with transformational grammar. Linguistics and Computation, Cole, K., Tenny, C. (eds.), Stanford, CA: CLSI Lecture Notes 52, 103-125.
- Berwick, R.C., Fong, S. 1995. Madam Butterfly redux: parsing English and Japanese with principles and parameters. Japanese Sentence Processing, M. Mazuka, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 177-208.
- Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C., 1995. Formalizing triggers. Cognition, 61, 161-193.
- Berwick, R.C., and Fong, S., 1995. Computational properties of principle-based grammatical theories. in J. Cole, J. Green, and J. Morgan (eds.) Linguistic Structure and Processing: the Illinois Symposium. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Berwick, R.C., 1994. Cartesian computation and linguistics in a current context. Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics, C. Martin-Vide, (ed.) Amsterdam: North-Holland, 341-352.
- Berwick, R.C., 1992. On average case complexity and natural language processing. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 5(1).
- Berwick, R.C., 1991. Principle-based parsing. In P. Sells, S. Shieber, T. Wasow, Foundational Issues in Natural Language Processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Berwick, R.C., 1991. Computational complexity and natural language: a paradox resolved. Theoretical Linguistics, 17:1, 1–28.
- Berwick, R.C., 1991. Electronic organs of the mind. MIT: Shaping the Future, K. Manning (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Ristad, E., Berwick, R.C. 1989. Computational consequences of agreement and ambiguity in natural language. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 33(4), 379-396.
- Berwick, R.C., 1989. Natural language, computational complexity, and generative capacity. Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 8(5), 423–441.
- Berwick, R.C., 1989. Learning word meanings from examples. Semantic Structures: Advances in Natural Language Processing, D. Waltz (ed.), NJ, LEA: 89-124.
- Berwick, R.C., and K. Wexler, K. 1987. Parsing efficiency, binding, C-Command, and learnability. (invited chapter) Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora B. Lust (ed.) v.2 New York: Reidel, 45-60.
- Berwick, R.C., Pilato, S. 1987. Language acquisition by automata induction. Journal of Machine Learning, 2, 9–38.
- Berwick, R.C., 1986. Grammar growth and parameter setting. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9:3, 562–563.
- Berwick, R.C., and A. Weinberg, 1985. Deterministic parsing and linguistic explanation. Language and Cognitive Processes, 1:2, 109–134, 1985. Also AI Memo No. 836, MIT, June 1985.
- Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A., 1985. The psychological relevance of transformational grammar: a reply to Stabler. Cognition, 19(3), 193–204.
- Berwick, R.C., 1984. Strong generative capacity, weak generative capacity, and modern linguistic theories. Journal of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 10(3/4), 189–202.
- Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A., 1984. Reply to Garnham. Cognition, 15(3), 271–276.
- Berwick, R.C., 1983. What and how: a computer science perspective. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 402–403.
- Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A. 1983. The role of grammars in models of language use. Cognition, 13(1), 1–61.
- Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A. 1982. Parsing efficiency, computational complexity, and the evaluation of grammatical theories. Linguistic Inquiry 13(2), 165–191.
- Berwick, R.C. 1982. Computational complexity and lexical-functional grammar. Journal of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 8(3) 97–109.