Journals & Book chapters


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  1. Berwick, R.C. & Chomsky, N. The siege of Paris. Inference.
  2. Berwick, R.C., Fong, S., Yankama, B., Sprouse, J.  Colorless green ideas do sleep furiously. The Linguistic Review.
  3. Sennhauser, L. & Berwick, R. 2018.  EMNLP
  4. Rohil Verma,


  1. Yang
  2. Frederici, Moro, Berwick, Berwick, Chomsky, Bolhuis. Language and its neural architecture.
  3. Chomsky, Berwick.  Why only us. Recent questions and answers. Journal of Neurolinguistics
  4. Cambridge companion to Chomsky.


  1. Berwick, R.C. Monkey business. 2016. Theoretical Linguistics. 42, 91–95.
  2. Hauser, Berwick, Watamull, Chomsky. 2016 Dogs process associations. Science, 353: 13 September.
  3. Berwick, De Graff. Explorations in Creole phylogenetics. In P. Longobordi, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  4. Beckers, Berwick. Okanoya, Bolhuis 2016. What do animals learn in artificial grammar studies? Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.


  1. Everaert, M.


  1. Bolhuis, J., Tattersall, I., Chomsky, N., Berwick, R.C. 2014. How could language have evolved? PLoS Biology, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001934.
  2. Beckers, G., Berwick, R.C., and Bolhuis, J.J. , in press. Comparative analysis of speech and language converges on birds. Brain and Behavioral Sciences.
  3. Hauser, M., Yang, C., Berwick, R.C., Tattersall, I., Ryan, M., Watamull, J., Chomsky, N, Lewontin, R.C., 2014. The mystery of language evolution. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 401.
  4. Miyagawa, S., Berwick, R.C., and Okanoya, K., 2014. The integration hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychology.
  5. Watamull, J., Hauser, M., Berwick, R.C. 2014. Conceptual and methodological problems with comparative work on artificial language learning. Biolinguistics, 8, 120-129.


  1. Berwick, R.C. The multiple bases for linguistic structures. In Language Down the Garden Path: The Cognitive and Biological Basis for Linguistic Structures. M. Sanz, I. Laka, M. Tannenhaus (eds.) Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 195-204.
  2. Berwick, R.C., Chomsky, N., Piatelli-Palmarini, M. 2013. Poverty of the stimulus stands. Rich Languages from Poor Inputs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 19-42.
  3. Berwick, R.C., Friederici, A., Chomsky, N., and Bolhuis, J.J. Evolution, brain, and the nature of language. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 17:2, 89–98.
  4. Berwick, R., Hauser, M., and Tattersall, I. Neandertal language? Just-so stories take center stage. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 671.
  5. Fong, S., Berwick, R.C., Malioutov, I. Treebank parsing and knowledge of language. In A. Alishahi, T. Poibeau, A. Korhonen and A. Villavicencio (eds), Cognitive and Computational Models of Language Acquisition. New York:Springer-Verlag.
  6. Li, W., Azar, P., Larochelle, D., Hill, P., Cox, J., Berwick, R.C., Lo, A. Using algorithmic attribution techniques to determine authorship in unsigned judicial opinions. Stanford Technology Law Review, 16:3, 503-534.
  7. Miyagawa, S., Berwick, R.C., and Okanoya, K. The emergence of hierarchical structure in human language. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:1-6, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00071.


  1. Beckers, G., Bolhuis, J., Berwick, R.C. Birdsong neurolinguistics. NeuroReport, 23, 139-146.
  2. Berwick, R.C., 2012. Me Tarzan, you Jane. Science, 336, 158.
  3. Berwick, R.C., Bolhuis, Okanoya, K. and Beckers, G. A bird’s eye view of language evolution. Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 4:5. 1–39


  1. Berwick, R.C. Songs to syntax. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive and Natural Intelligence, 5(4), 22–32.
  2. Berwick, R.C., Pietroski, P., Yankama, B., Chomsky, N. 2011. Poverty of the stimulus revisited. Cognitive Science 35(7), 1207-1242.
  3. Berwick, R.C. All you need is merge. The Biolinguistic Enterprise, DiSciullo, A., Boeck, C. (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 461-491.
  4. Berwick, R.C. Syntax facit saltum redux. The Biolinguistic Enterprise, DiSciullo, A., Boeck, C. (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 65-99.
  5. Berwick, R.C., Chomsky, N. The biolinguistic program: the current state of its development. The Biolinguistic Enterprise, DiSciullo, A., Boeck, C. (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 19-41.
  6. Berwick, R.C., Okanoya, K., Beckers, G., Bolhuis, J. Songs to syntax: the linguistics of birdsong. Trends in the Cognitive Sciences, 15:3, 113-121.
  7. El-Bendary, N., Hassanien, A., Corchado, E., Berwick, R. C. ARIAS: Automated retinal image analysis system. Advances in Soft Computing, New York: Springer, 67-76
  8. Yingxu Wang, Robert C. Berwick, Simon Haykin, Witold Pedrycz, Witold Kinsner, George Baciu, Du Zhang, Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar: Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing in Year 10 and Beyond. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence 5(4): 1-21.


  1. DiSciullo, A., Piatelli-Palmarini,, M., Wexler, K., Berwick, R.C., Boeckx, C., Jenkins, L., Uriagereka, J., Stromswold,, K., Cheng, L., Harley, H., Wedel, A., McGilvray, J., Gelderen, E., Bever, T. The biological nature of human language. Biolinguistics, 4(1), 4-34.


  1. Berwick, R.C. What genes can’t learn about language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA), 106:4, 332-334.
  2. Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C. The proper treatment of language acquisition and change in a population setting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, (USA) 106:25, 10124–10129.


  1. Niyogi, S., Berwick R.C. A minimalist implementation of Hale-Keyser incorporation theory. UG and External Systems, A. DiSciullo (ed.), NY: John Benjamins, 269-288.


  1. Craparo, E., Berwick, R.C., E. Feron, E. Natural language interfaces in control of unmanned aerial vehicles*. Theory and Algorithms for Cooperative Systems, World Scientific, 196-204.(*Only this bi-authored version available due to copyright.)


  1. Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C., 2000. Formal models for learning in the principle and parameters framework. In Peter Broeder and J. Murre (eds), Models of Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press, 225–243.


  1. Niyogi, P.and Berwick, R., 1998. The logical problem of language acquisition. Formal Syntax, 1(2), 192–205.
  2. Niyogi, P. and Berwick, R., 1998. A dynamical systems model for language change. Journal of Complex Systems, 11, 161–204.
  3. Kohl, K., Jones, D., Berwick, R. C., Nomura, N. 1998. Representing verb alternations in WordNet. In Fellbaum, Christiane. (ed.), WordNet: An electronic lexical database. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 153-178.
  4. Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C. 1997. Evolutionary consequences of language learning. Journal of Linguistics and Philosophy.
  5. Berwick, R.C., 1997. Syntax facit saltum. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 10:2/3, 231–249.
  6. Berwick, R.C., Niyogi, P. 1996. A learning model for finite parameter spaces. Cognition, 61, 161-193.
  7. Berwick, R.C., 1996. The language of the genes. Integrative Approaches to Molecular Biology. J. Collado (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  8. Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C., 1996. Learning from triggers. Linguistic Inquiry, 27(4), 605-622.
  9. Berwick, R.C., Fong, S. 1995. A quarter-century of computation with transformational grammar. Linguistics and Computation, Cole, K., Tenny, C. (eds.), Stanford, CA: CLSI Lecture Notes 52, 103-125.
  10. Berwick, R.C., Fong, S. 1995. Madam Butterfly redux: parsing English and Japanese with principles and parameters. Japanese Sentence Processing, M. Mazuka, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 177-208.
  11. Niyogi, P., Berwick, R.C., 1995. Formalizing triggers. Cognition, 61, 161-193.
  12. Berwick, R.C., and Fong, S., 1995. Computational properties of principle-based grammatical theories. in J. Cole, J. Green, and J. Morgan (eds.) Linguistic Structure and Processing: the Illinois Symposium. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  13. Berwick, R.C., 1994. Cartesian computation and linguistics in a current context. Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics, C. Martin-Vide, (ed.) Amsterdam: North-Holland, 341-352.
  14. Berwick, R.C., 1992. On average case complexity and natural language processing. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 5(1).
  15. Berwick, R.C., 1991. Principle-based parsing. In P. Sells, S. Shieber, T. Wasow, Foundational Issues in Natural Language Processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  16. Berwick, R.C., 1991. Computational complexity and natural language: a paradox resolved. Theoretical Linguistics, 17:1, 1–28.
  17. Berwick, R.C., 1991. Electronic organs of the mind. MIT: Shaping the Future, K. Manning (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


  1. Ristad, E., Berwick, R.C. 1989. Computational consequences of agreement and ambiguity in natural language. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 33(4), 379-396.
  2. Berwick, R.C., 1989. Natural language, computational complexity, and generative capacity. Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 8(5), 423–441.
  3. Berwick, R.C., 1989. Learning word meanings from examples. Semantic Structures: Advances in Natural Language Processing, D. Waltz (ed.), NJ, LEA: 89-124.
  4. Berwick, R.C., and K. Wexler, K. 1987. Parsing efficiency, binding, C-Command, and learnability. (invited chapter) Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora B. Lust (ed.) v.2 New York: Reidel, 45-60.
  5. Berwick, R.C., Pilato, S. 1987. Language acquisition by automata induction. Journal of Machine Learning, 2, 9–38.
  6. Berwick, R.C., 1986. Grammar growth and parameter setting. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9:3, 562–563.
  7. Berwick, R.C., and A. Weinberg, 1985. Deterministic parsing and linguistic explanation. Language and Cognitive Processes, 1:2, 109–134, 1985. Also AI Memo No. 836, MIT, June 1985.
  8. Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A., 1985. The psychological relevance of transformational grammar: a reply to Stabler. Cognition, 19(3), 193–204.
  9. Berwick, R.C., 1984. Strong generative capacity, weak generative capacity, and modern linguistic theories. Journal of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 10(3/4), 189–202.
  10. Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A., 1984. Reply to Garnham. Cognition, 15(3), 271–276.
  11. Berwick, R.C., 1983. What and how: a computer science perspective. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 402–403.
  12. Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A. 1983. The role of grammars in models of language use. Cognition, 13(1), 1–61.
  13. Berwick, R.C., Weinberg, A. 1982. Parsing efficiency, computational complexity, and the evaluation of grammatical theories. Linguistic Inquiry 13(2), 165–191.
  14. Berwick, R.C. 1982. Computational complexity and lexical-functional grammar. Journal of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 8(3) 97–109.